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Why Clever People Do Dumb Things
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Hi! My name is Lindsay
I am passionate about helping people create meaningful change
We are all born as a blank slate and we then spend our lives becoming the person we become. Sadly much of that development is done completely by accident. We learn attitudes, reactions, habits, and responses without realising what we are doing! Miraculously most of this accidental programming WORKS! However, sometimes we get stuck and this where Lindsay can help you achieve the best possible outcome.
How to be the Luckiest Person in the World
Want to know more about my approach to mentoring?
Watch my short 16 minutes TED talk ‘How to be the Luckiest Person in the World’.
In over 20 years over practicing psychology, I have developed powerful insights and frameworks that have not only helped me overcome my own adversity, but have helped countless clients overcome theirs.
I think this short video will make you reconsider the way you think and reframe your life experiences in a way that might just make you see yourself as the “Luckiest Person in the World!”
Great Change Maker
Great Change Maker
helping you live a rich, full & meaningful life